
data class TrapConfig(var reporter: TrapConfig.Reporter = Reporter(), var defaultDataCollection: TrapConfig.DataCollection = DataCollection(), var lowBatteryDataCollection: TrapConfig.DataCollection = DataCollection( collectCoalescedPointerEvents = false, collectCoalescedStylusEvents = false, collectCoalescedTouchEvents = false, collectors = mutableListOf( TrapMetadataCollector(), TrapCoarseLocationCollector(), TrapPointerCollector(), TrapStylusCollector(), TrapTouchCollector(), TrapBatteryCollector() ) ), var lowDataDataCollection: TrapConfig.DataCollection = DataCollection( collectCoalescedPointerEvents = false, collectCoalescedStylusEvents = false, collectCoalescedTouchEvents = false, collectors = mutableListOf( TrapMetadataCollector(), TrapCoarseLocationCollector(), TrapPointerCollector(), TrapStylusCollector(), TrapTouchCollector(), TrapBatteryCollector() ) ), var queueSize: Int = 8192, var sessionIdFilter: String? = null, var lowBatteryThreshold: Float = 10.0f, var enableDataCollection: Boolean = true)

The global configuration for the library.


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constructor(reporter: TrapConfig.Reporter = Reporter(), defaultDataCollection: TrapConfig.DataCollection = DataCollection(), lowBatteryDataCollection: TrapConfig.DataCollection = DataCollection( collectCoalescedPointerEvents = false, collectCoalescedStylusEvents = false, collectCoalescedTouchEvents = false, collectors = mutableListOf( TrapMetadataCollector(), TrapCoarseLocationCollector(), TrapPointerCollector(), TrapStylusCollector(), TrapTouchCollector(), TrapBatteryCollector() ) ), lowDataDataCollection: TrapConfig.DataCollection = DataCollection( collectCoalescedPointerEvents = false, collectCoalescedStylusEvents = false, collectCoalescedTouchEvents = false, collectors = mutableListOf( TrapMetadataCollector(), TrapCoarseLocationCollector(), TrapPointerCollector(), TrapStylusCollector(), TrapTouchCollector(), TrapBatteryCollector() ) ), queueSize: Int = 8192, sessionIdFilter: String? = null, lowBatteryThreshold: Float = 10.0f, enableDataCollection: Boolean = true)


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data class DataCollection(var maxNumberOfLogMessagesPerMinute: Int = 100, var accelerationSamplingPeriodMs: Int = 10, var accelerationMaxReportLatencyMs: Int = 200, var gyroscopeSamplingPeriodMs: Int = 10, var gyroscopeMaxReportLatencyMs: Int = 200, var magnetometerSamplingPeriodMs: Int = 10, var magnetometerMaxReportLatencyMs: Int = 200, var gravitySamplingPeriodMs: Int = 10, var gravityMaxReportLatencyMs: Int = 200, var collectCoalescedPointerEvents: Boolean = true, var collectCoalescedStylusEvents: Boolean = true, var collectCoalescedTouchEvents: Boolean = true, var metadataSubmissionInterval: Long, var collectors: List<TrapDatasource> = mutableListOf( TrapAccelerometerCollector(), TrapBluetoothCollector(), TrapGravityCollector(), TrapGyroscopeCollector(), TrapCoarseLocationCollector(), TrapMagnetometerCollector(), TrapPointerCollector(), TrapStylusCollector(), TrapTouchCollector(), TrapWiFiCollector(), TrapBatteryCollector(), TrapMetadataCollector(), ))
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data class Reporter(var url: String = "{streamId}/{sessionId}", var interval: Long = 1000, var cachedTransport: Boolean = true, var maxFileCacheSize: Long, var sessionId: UUID = UUID(0, 0), var connectTimeout: Int = 500, var readTimeout: Int = 500, var compress: Boolean = false, var apiKeyName: String = "graboxy-api-key", var apiKeyValue: String = "api-key-value")

The configuration for the reporter task serializing and sending the collected data through the transport.


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Default data collection options.

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Is data collection enabled automatically when the TrapManager is instantiated with this config

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Limited data collection in case of low battery

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Battery charge threshold for low battery status

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Limited data collection in case of low battery

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The size of the circular data queue.

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The configuration for the reporter task.

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SessionId filter, if specified the data collection is only enabled if sessionId <= sessionIdFilter


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fun initSessionId(application: Application)