
data class DataCollection(var maxNumberOfLogMessagesPerMinute: Int = 100, var accelerationSamplingPeriodMs: Int = 10, var accelerationMaxReportLatencyMs: Int = 200, var gyroscopeSamplingPeriodMs: Int = 10, var gyroscopeMaxReportLatencyMs: Int = 200, var magnetometerSamplingPeriodMs: Int = 10, var magnetometerMaxReportLatencyMs: Int = 200, var gravitySamplingPeriodMs: Int = 10, var gravityMaxReportLatencyMs: Int = 200, var collectCoalescedPointerEvents: Boolean = true, var collectCoalescedStylusEvents: Boolean = true, var collectCoalescedTouchEvents: Boolean = true, var metadataSubmissionInterval: Long, var collectors: List<TrapDatasource> = mutableListOf( TrapAccelerometerCollector(), TrapBluetoothCollector(), TrapGravityCollector(), TrapGyroscopeCollector(), TrapCoarseLocationCollector(), TrapMagnetometerCollector(), TrapPointerCollector(), TrapStylusCollector(), TrapTouchCollector(), TrapWiFiCollector(), TrapBatteryCollector(), TrapMetadataCollector(), ))


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constructor(maxNumberOfLogMessagesPerMinute: Int = 100, accelerationSamplingPeriodMs: Int = 10, accelerationMaxReportLatencyMs: Int = 200, gyroscopeSamplingPeriodMs: Int = 10, gyroscopeMaxReportLatencyMs: Int = 200, magnetometerSamplingPeriodMs: Int = 10, magnetometerMaxReportLatencyMs: Int = 200, gravitySamplingPeriodMs: Int = 10, gravityMaxReportLatencyMs: Int = 200, collectCoalescedPointerEvents: Boolean = true, collectCoalescedStylusEvents: Boolean = true, collectCoalescedTouchEvents: Boolean = true, metadataSubmissionInterval: Long, collectors: List<TrapDatasource> = mutableListOf( TrapAccelerometerCollector(), TrapBluetoothCollector(), TrapGravityCollector(), TrapGyroscopeCollector(), TrapCoarseLocationCollector(), TrapMagnetometerCollector(), TrapPointerCollector(), TrapStylusCollector(), TrapTouchCollector(), TrapWiFiCollector(), TrapBatteryCollector(), TrapMetadataCollector(), ))


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How long the sensor can cache reported events.

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How frequent the sampling of the given sensor should be.

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Collect coalesced pointer events

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Collect coalesced stylus events

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Collect coalesced touch events

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The list of collectors to start at initialization.

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How long the sensor can cache reported events.

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How frequent the sampling of the given sensor should be.

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How long the sensor can cache reported events.

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How frequent the sampling of the given sensor should be.

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How long the sensor can cache reported events.

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How frequent the sampling of the given sensor should be.

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Maximum number of log messages per collector if the collector uses log throttling

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The time interval metadata events are reported.